
Gross Motor

Gross motor involves using whole body movements. It is vital for children to develop strength, balance and co-ordination in order to comfortably write for longer periods of time. 

Fine Motor

Fine Motor activities are very important way in supporting children to develop the dexterity and skills they need to be able to write. Here are some fine motor activty ideas that you can use.

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Getting Ready To Write

Here are some activities to support children getting ready to write! Use these videos to help children with their pencil grip. 

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Letter Families

Our letters are grouped into families because they all have the same family feature. This means they are all formed using the same initial movement. See the letter families below and have a practice at home! 

Abracadabra Family

Abracadabra Family Formation

Fisher Family

Fisher Family Formation

Jumper Family

Jumper Family Formation

Slider Family

Slider Family Formation

Special Squirter Family

Special Squirter Family Formation

Window Cleaner Family

Window Cleaner Family Formation

Letter Formation - Capital Letters

Once children can form the lower case letter they wull learn to form capital letters. Once agin they are all grouped by the movements children need to be able to write them. These include straight lines, curves or slides. 

Curves Group

Sliding Groups

Lines and Curves Group

Sliding Lines Group

Straight Lines Groups